Tips for Finding Reliable Manufacturers in China

7 Tips for Finding Reliable Manufacturers in China

Manufacturers in China have some advantages that are not available elsewhere.
And the 7 tips explained in this post will be helpful for you to find reliable manufacturers in China.

BackMorning is a third-party quality inspection company focusing on the LED lighting industry. We have been working with some of the most reputable lighting brands in the world.
There are some priceless lessons during the cooperation with these brands and manufacturers.

We will share with you about what we’ve learned, and you will gain some fundamental understanding.
If you need help sourcing in China, this article will outline some of the best practices and everything else you need to know as a beginner.

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    1. Understand the limits of searches online

    It is a common practice to search for various manufacturers online.
    Search engines, social media and B2B websites are the most common ways.
    Some of the most commonly used websites are Alibaba, Global Sources, etc.
    There are plenty of search results after you enter some keywords.

    Online Searches for Manufacturers Have Limits

    Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to screen and pick the right manufacturers based on those search results.
    Reading those reviews can be an essential way to distinguish the quality of different manufacturers.
    But actually, you will need to do more than that.

    • One thing to mention is not all manufacturers have been online.
    • Many manufacturers are still operating in the traditional offline way.

    The way they promote their business is through the connection of the people in their industry.

    • Or they go to trade shows with samples, product brochures, etc.

    They still do it in the traditional way, not because their products are not good.
    But because they don’t have people to take care of those fast-changing information technologies.
    They spend most of their time and efforts on manufacturing techniques and processes.

    This includes some small manufacturers with just a few workers.
    And some big manufacturers with hundreds of workers.
    They started their business with some of the biggest customers in their industries.
    That’s why they didn’t follow the trend to show online.

    For this reason, you need to understand the limits of searches for manufacturers online.

    • The traditional way – to find manufacturers through people in various industries – is still good.
    • One way you can consider is to consult third-party quality inspection companies.

    Find Reliable Manufacturers by Social Connections

    They have the chance to meet different manufacturers in various industries.
    So, it is possible for them to give you more hints.

    2. Do a factory audit to verify a manufacturer

    After you find a potential manufacturer’ information, verify whether they are the right one for you.
    Many people have mentioned numerous DIY methods.
    They are helpful for identifying the basics of a manufacturer.
    Search online and you will find many articles worth reading.

    Here we wish to tell you something from the point of view of a professional quality inspection company.
    We have to admit most manufacturers are honest and do not cheat deliberately.
    However, you will still need to verify whether they are right for you.

    This verification is more like checking the facts from various aspects.
    Then compare your expectations with the facts.
    And decide whether a manufacturer is the right one for you.

    Do Factory Production Audits to Verify Manufacturers' Overall Quality

    It will be better to conduct an audit with this manufacturer.
    Some of the things to check include:

    • The internal management system of this manufacturer
    • The quality management team of this manufacturer
    • How long they have been manufacturing your products
    • Do they have the necessary instruments to check the products that you wish to buy
    • What are their main product lines
    • Are the products – that you wish to buy – within their main product lines
    • What are the most important materials for your products
    • How do they store these critical materials in their factory

    If quality is one of the top priorities for your plan, hire someone specializing in supplier verification.
    This process can involve necessary instruments and professionals with proper training, skills and experience.
    Therefore, we do not recommend you do it yourself.

    There are many third-party quality inspection companies for this service.
    By hiring an outside party to conduct supplier verification, you can take advantage of their expertise.
    And minimize risks associated with hiring overseas manufacturers.

    Third-party inspection companies have conducted supplier verification checks previously.
    They’ll know better what they need to check in order to get an accurate understanding.

    3. Find a balance between prices and quality

    The cost of manufacturing products in China is comparatively lower.
    This makes sourcing in China an attractive option for many importers.
    However, remember that all manufacturers have a general minimum cost to manufacture the products.

    One of your targets is to find the balance between price and quality.
    You don’t want to choose a low-quality product at any cost.
    And you also don’t want to pay more than necessary for something that isn’t worth it.

    If your primary concern is saving money, the manufacturer may have to choose cheaper materials or manufacturing processes.
    If you want to focus on finding manufacturers who use higher-quality materials and processes, then your product will look as good as possible.
    Remember, you play an important role in deciding the results of working with a manufacturer.

    4. Effectively communicate with your manufacturer

    Most manufacturers in China will make things exactly to your specifications.
    Some quality issues actually come from the communication between buyers and manufacturers.
    Particularly, when you don’t take the time to properly specify every detail of the products.

    Do your best to make sure your manufacturer understands your requirements clearly.
    Minimize potential quality issues from misunderstandings and miscommunication.

    Provide a detailed bill of materials (BOM) and specification sheet.
    Send them an approval sample for production.
    Important documents should be written down in both languages.

    Methods like these are all good for helping your communication.
    Communicate everything clearly, you are in a good position to get the quality you are looking for.

    5. Work with a quality inspection company

    Don’t solely rely on the manufacturer’s internal quality management processes.
    Having an additional quality inspection system in place helps both sides.
    It’s always good to do third-party quality inspections at the factory from time to time.

    Take the LED lighting industry for example.
    You need professional instruments, skills, and experience to measure the quality of LED lights.
    Usually, the top manufacturers have professional instruments and qualified engineers of their own.

    But, some smaller manufacturers can’t afford to build a lab or team with such a high level.
    They’re not able to properly test the LED lights themselves.
    You will have to work with testing labs or third-party quality inspection companies.

    Remember, many quality issues are not deliberate results of the manufacturer.
    There are more causes than that.
    The importance is whether you can identify and correct them.

    6. Better to order samples

    After collecting quotes from different manufacturers, you can pick the right ones.
    Better to order samples before placing orders directly in bulk.
    It’s always safer to double check as many details as possible to avoid mistakes.

    Therefore, order at least one piece of sample to verify whether everything is fine.
    Look out for any defects, damages, and other potential quality issues.

    Again, we advise considering sending samples to a third-party quality inspection company.
    There are technical reasons behind this advice.
    Some product parameters are not possible to obtain if you only check visually.
    And some parameters are tricky, and you’ll make mistakes if use the wrong test methods.

    For this reason, it’d be better to send a sample to a lab or a quality inspection company.
    Let me give you reliable parameters for your products.

    If you happen to be in the LED lighting industry.
    You can try the Free Test Program that BackMorning offers.

    7. Think globally, and act locally

    You already know the importance of thinking globally if you’re looking for a manufacturer in China.
    But it is equally important to add locally.
    Unquestionably, there are many differences in China in terms of culture, practices, etc.

    One of the differences to mention is the tools for communication.
    Most manufacturers don’t have access to social media and instant messaging tools outside.
    Better to use apps like WeChat (WeiXin), QQ (ICQ), to communicate with most manufacturers.

    Another difference to mention is communication style.
    Westerners tend to separate business and personal relations (There is a clear borderline).
    Differently, business and personal friendships are equally important during cooperation.
    For this reason, it is good to build personal friendship with your manufacturers.

    There are many benefits of having an ongoing relationship with your supplier as they may give you discounts and better deals.
    Additionally, suppose you are looking for another supplier to manufacture a different product.
    In that case, they can introduce you to some reliable ones using their network.


    It will be very helpful to keep these tips in mind when you look for manufacturers in China.
    Finding a reliable manufacturer in China is not a mission impossible.
    It will require some time and also some skills.

    Last but not least, in case you happen to be looking for an LED lighting manufacturer in China.
    Consider contacting BackMorning if you need help.
    Particularly if the quality is one of your top priorities.

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